Game Hype: Grey Goo!

Hello Gamers!  Welcome to the Stark Gaming Industry, where gaming isn’t a pastime, it’s a way of life.

In this blog I thought we would change it up and look at a different type of game, that isn’t on console and isn’t controlling a single person. I’ve had my eye on the game Grey Goo for a while now, and had it set up to play for free until last Sunday. At the same time they had it on sale for $20, and the original price being $50 with pretty good reviews, I couldn’t pass it up. While it was free I went through the first few missions and I was impressed. The graphics looked pretty, the character designs were unique, and the story/idea for the game was a fresh concept. Also, playing a new Real Time Strategy game brings me some nostalgia of Command and Conquer, so bonus!

In this Real Time Strategy (for short RTS) you make bases, defend them, and raise an army to attack your enemy. There is a points/cash system called Catalyst that you collect and spend on making the base and army. If you want to make a base fast, than you need to control as many of the Catalyst resources as possible. Any RTS game that you play requires a lot of multitasking by building your base, defending it, building an army, attacking the enemy, replenishing the army, preparing for counterattacks, etc. Basically it’s war from a General’s point of view and being in charge of everything.

In the beginning of the game you start as the alien race called the Beta. The Beta have been on the run from an unknown species that they call the Silent Ones. After spending a lot time in space and on the run from the Silent Ones after their home planet was taken over, they finally found a planet that they could rebuild and start again. Being low on resources, they had to use parts from their last space ship to make an outpost. They stand about 6.5-8 feet tall, born with 2 large arms and 2 small arms, and are technologically advanced with technology like walking assault mechs, hovering fortresses, and space travel of course, but still use bullets in their weapons.

After you beat the Beta campaign, the story picks up with the Human faction. After searching space for other forms of life and the results coming up short, they returned to Earth to advance their own lives. Years later they found a signal coming from a planet, and they went to investigate it. Once they arrived their ship was destroyed by another life form they call the “Goo”. Now the humans are stranded on an unfamiliar planet with minimal resources. Humans haven’t changed much except they are more advanced now than the past. They use drones and A.I.’s to fight their battles for them. The only unit they have that needs a Human pilot is their uber unit.

Once you have completed the Human campaign, you fight as the Goo. The Goo was created by Humans as a program to chart the galaxy and report back. Yet after the searches came up with no results, they discontinued the program. However, somewhere in the Galaxy the Goo has returned with an altered program: consume everything. The Goo is mainly a mystery, not much else is known about it besides how they look. Basically, a blob of Grey colored Goo(so that’s where the title came from…) that can take whatever form it chooses, is made up of nanites. They disintegrate their enemies and everything in their path, and are very annoying to destroy. A very formidable opponent.

Personally, it’s a very fun game to play. Once again, the graphics are pretty amazing and the game plays a lot like Command & Conquer. Build your army and annihilate your enemies while managing a base and resources. I think the game is sort of worth buying even at the current full price of $49.99 on If you’re looking for a newer game with a pretty original idea I would recommend giving it a try or at least looking up some Let’s Plays.

Sorry for not uploading blogs earlier, life had been busy for a while there. I should be uploading more regularly now. Anyways, Game on Gamers! 🙂Grey Goo

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